Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Server error?

22.07.2006, 14:20
It seems nearly everybody has that problem at this time, yesterday evening the decoding has been working fine. Since tonight everybody wanting to decode get the same error. Looks like we have to wait for OTR to fix it.

22.07.2006, 15:14
Look here:

Fehler! Keine Verbindung zum Server (http://otrforumde.h774788.serverkompetenz.net/thread.php?threadid=3450)

But this thread is in german. You can ask Mr. S (http://otrforumde.h774788.serverkompetenz.net/profile.php?userid=2568) about this error.

25.07.2006, 19:02
I had a look at that and there didn't seem to be any solutions - is this problem still happening for everyone else? It's been 4 days now 8o

26.07.2006, 00:38
It´s happening only to some users.
I never had problems to decode. =)

Maybe you don´t own the entry in the recordinglist that you need to be able to decode, the filename is wrong or maybe your internet provider is interfering. Oo

26.07.2006, 11:05
What do you mean by not owning the entry? And the filename I downloaded was Alarm_fuer_Cobra_11_Die_Autobahnpolizei_06.07.20_2 0-15_rtl_60_TVOON_DE.mpg.avi.otrkey

26.07.2006, 11:13
The recording you try to decode must be programmed before airtime on the OTR homepage. Did you not program that show (manually, via EPG-Search or EPG-Schedule) you are not allowed to decode it. Got it? ;)

26.07.2006, 11:17
No, I definitely programmed it in advance...like I always have in the past.

26.07.2006, 11:27
If everything is OK from your view i can´t help you. :(

You could try to delete the recording on the website and get it back through the buddy-system. That may work.

26.07.2006, 11:40
Buddy system? Sorry for my apparent cluelessnes but it is hard to navigate a German site :baby:

At any rate I will download the next episode on Friday as well and see if that one works - if not then I shall probably report here again.