Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Decodieren??????
is there anybody who can help? Please.
I´m trying this for the first time and since I´m very beginner I´m having troubles to understand how decoding works.
So far I managed to record and download a program (with It should be fine, because in the recording list it appears as downloaded. So, I downloaded the OTR Key Decoder version 0.52 and unzipped it. Then I suppose I have to click on Auswählen and.....I don´t know anymore what I´m supposed to do. I tried to type in the name of the file (like: Tagesschau) I would like to decode, but it must be the wrong procedure because I always get the message ´file geblockt´. I think I read all forum, but I found no explanation I could understand.
Sorry it must be a very stupid question, but it is making me sooooo frustrated.
I hope somebody will be patient enough to help me. Answers in German are very welcome, but my writing is too bad! Thank you in advance!
Thanks so much for your answer. I thought too that it might be because of my firewall, so I turned it off, but no chance...When I get Asswählen, where do I get the file to decode from? How do I try to connect to the server? Thanks again!
I see in my recordings that the status is ´downloaded´, but I cannot find it anywhere on my hard disk (did search for *otrkey but nothing found). Any suggestions?
I downloaded at late hours so there were always just 2 or 3 users on the queue. After I passed the queue the page just closed. When I refreshed my recordings page I saw that the status had changed from ´Ready´to ´downloaded´
Thanky for your patience with me, I feel like a real grünschnabel
If the window just closed, you did not downloaded the file. It's something in the Internet Explorer. Because I have a german system, I can't guide you to the right point to change it. It's in the Internetoptions - Security-Section.
Do you have an alternate browser? If, try again to download with it.
Cheers Rickey :)
Rickey I have a German system too, can you guide me so that I can change it? Sorry I don´t know what an alternate browser is...
Thanks I´ll try to do that in 10 minutes, I´m Italian living in Seoul with a German computer and I want to see Bundesliga!
ok, nice. :)
Yes, please tell me, if the download worked now an if you are able to decode and view the file.
Cheers Rickey :)
I just followed your instructions and changed the Sicherheit, Í´m going to try a download and let you know, thanks again
Oh oh, I´m at position 96 in the queue, it might take a while...
Ähh, just closed?
Did you save the changed option?
What is the name and date and time of the recording?
Cheers Rickey :)
Yes, I did save the changed option, I tried again to download, I was 4 in the queue and it threw me out again, i.e. the page closed...maybe I should try again tomorrow mornigg for me. That´s in the middle of the night in Europe and it is not so busy.
· Sportschau_06.08.13_18-00_ard_30_TVOON_DE.wmv.otrkey
this is the file.
Mr Bong,
are you suggesting to use Mozilla instead of internet explorer? Did I get it right?
It will be the same at night - it's your browser.
Yes, it's easier with Mozilla oder FireFox, people tell.
But you can easy get the file from one of the Mirrors:
But have a good look for the right date and time in the file name.
Cheers Rickey :)
Thanks a lot,
I´ll try that tomorrow. (I won´t give up)
But now I´m going to bed. Thanks for your time. Have a nice time!
If I get some success I´ll let you know!
I'm writing here to make you able to answer tomorrow, so we can find it back. ;)
Have a good night,
abbia divertimento!
Ciao Rickey :)
I had to go to bed but I couldn´t resist and tried once more to download the file using Mozilla Firefox and it worked!. After Downloading the decoding was very easy.
DANKE DANKE DANKE Rickey and Mr Bong
without your help I would have NEVER managed to find a solution. I´m so happy! I really needed a break from Korean TV!
Thanks again for helping hopeless cases like me!
Ciao all my best wishes good day/good night
Wonderful ! :)
One more happy OTR-User and one more person able to watch German TV from overseas.
Happy dreams, from German Socker,
Ciao Rickey :)
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