14.09.2006, 06:13
Is anyone having problems with direct download? I can download using web interface, but downloads fail using otrtool linux command using wget. For past 2 days I see errors that no reservation is running in queue? and my script runs without downloading any recordings? I am sorry if the answer is already in the forum, but my German language skills are not so good. If the answer is there, can you point me to the correct posting and I'll try to translate. Thanks
Is anyone having problems with direct download? I can download using web interface, but downloads fail using otrtool linux command using wget. For past 2 days I see errors that no reservation is running in queue? and my script runs without downloading any recordings? I am sorry if the answer is already in the forum, but my German language skills are not so good. If the answer is there, can you point me to the correct posting and I'll try to translate. Thanks