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Sometime ago I saw a thread that said there was going to be a OTR US Version released in Sept. I can't find any record of this, does anyone have the URL or know the status of this?
Here is where I noted it was to be released in Sept.
There are a lot of such Threads...
In some i have quoted the roadmap... perhaps you read one of these.
OTR hasn´t made an announcement yet. The roadmap is the only source of information.
Any response from the OTR Managment?
07.10.2006, 12:57
it seems they updated the roadmap after all. Meaning the new date is now:
11/06 !!!
The new is supposed to air on that date too.
Nice idea by the way, but on the other hand kinda sad as well.
Instead on focusing on more features, personally I'd like to see the US-Version up an running :)
But I guess there are still not enough people out there who would like to see the newest episodes and movies ... like ... 6 month before they air in germany ...
Ok... you would have to understand english... but most people I know are not that bad with that!
So... PLEASE concentrate on US-OTR first, before blowing OTR with more and more features out of proportions. Meaning: It is almost perfect now! Except: More Torrent!
I would seriously kill to have a service with which I could recorder those 16 channels which are being planned!
My best wishes to the OTR-Team! So far since 1997, is definitely one of the top 3 inet-sites ever!!!! (Which I recongnized with a donation and banner klicking too)
There are no planned new features...
MP4 is in development since months... so it isn´t that new.
OTR-US is next. :)
Would be the only working service for recording US-TV.
You also got recordTV but since they aren´t recording anything it´s a useless service.
Uh, i found something...
I didn´t know that their Service is THAT old. 8o
Yeah, it's really sad. They pushing it from one month to the next, since almost a year. I guess it never comes :( And I waiting so much for it......
Yes, I too would like to record US Channels.
Almost November, Any progress towards OTR US Version? I see that the roadmap was updated to show the start in November.
it's the same. it's this webadress (OTR) here.
hmm...i don't know which channels are to receive in europe/for free but on are many channels in general. maybe us (from your programm too) too.
they seem to be other channels.
Is there a beta available for the OTR US Version yet? It's half way through November and nothing has been said.
Just wait until there´s an official announcement or the date in the roadmap changes. ^^
OTR usually doesn´t say anything before a new feature is released.
You will see the changes in the EPG Schedule when the US stations become available. ;)
Can OTR post an update please on the status of the OTR US version. It would be nice to get a concrete date instead delay after delay. At least some official info, something to look forward to etc...
29.11.2006, 14:06
for your eyes only!
Here comes your pers. concrete date: Dec., 1st 2006
Write it in your diary, mark it in your Outlook, remember it at day and night... and forget it!
(next concrete date you will get at Dec., 2nd... ;-) )
01.12.2006, 16:29
We've got some problems with the data-center.
Sorry for disagreeableness :evil:
Original von gulli
We've got some problems ...
Since there are problems, could you give an update when it will be available? The roadmap has not been updated and I think a lot of people are looking for a REAL release date rather than a broken release date. What about releasing a Beta? Or just come out and say that OTR US is dead, because that is what it looks like now.
Nicht, daß ihr denkt, keiner will OTR-US haben... :D Ich will !!! :D
17.12.2006, 21:47
Original von laizure
Since there are problems, could you give an update when it will be available? The roadmap has not been updated and I think a lot of people are looking for a REAL release date rather than a broken release date. What about releasing a Beta? Or just come out and say that OTR US is dead, because that is what it looks like now.
The Interface and Backend of OTR US is ready, we have just some problems with the Carrier. That's the big Problem, not really OTR US ;)
I hope that we can dissolve the Problems with the Data-Center until January.
Write me a short Mail (cause of your Mail-Adress, my adress:, so I inform you, if there are any new Facts about OTR US ;)
I'm sure, that there are lots of people who'd like to be informed 'bout any progresses on OTR-US... Maybe you could use this thread (or the roadmap or anything else :) ) to inform us, instead of private emails.
Can't wait to get some good TV-series and sports (baseball !!!) :D
My email address is listed in my profile along with here as well.
Original von Adventskalendar
Einen ähnlichen Ansatz (Verweis auf die großen VideoClip-Seiten im Netz) verfolgt auch der neue OTR-US, der unter vor ein paar Tagen das Licht der Welt erblickt hat. Noch nicht ganz fertig, aber er findet schon eine ganze Menge US-Fernsehen frei verfügbar im Netz. Wenn die User weiterhin soviel volle TV-Mitschnitte hochladen, braucht es keinen echten Recorderservice mehr und wir überlegen ernsthaft, die gebauten Maschienen für BBC und UK-TV oder spanisches TV einzusetzen. Mal sehen, wie sich dieses Teilprojekt entwickelt. Wir sind da ganz offen und bauen das aus, was den Usern gefällt.
Heisst das jetzt das es doch kein richtiges OTR US geben wird ;(
Original von Dan103
Heisst das jetzt das es doch kein richtiges OTR US geben wird ;(
So wies jetzt ist, ists erst mal vorläufig.
Die Aufnahme von US-TV über OTR wird laut Admin auch erst etwa ab Februar möglich sein.
Wenn sich OTR es bis dahin nicht anders überlegt und die Aufnahmeserver anderweitig einsetzt...
Original von Menno
Wenn sich OTR es bis dahin nicht anders überlegt und die Aufnahmeserver anderweitig einsetzt...
Bitte, bitte tut das und ersetzt die wmv-Einheiten damit! Ich bin der Meinung, dass das Vorrang gegenüber neuen Projekten haben sollte!
Original von ashcan
Bitte, bitte tut das und ersetzt die wmv-Einheiten damit! Ich bin der Meinung, dass das Vorrang gegenüber neuen Projekten haben sollte!
Volle Zustimmung. Habe vorhin wieder eine Datei vonARD gelöscht, weil man das seinen Augen nicht zumuten kann!
Aber wir verlassen das Thema des Threads, und das sollte nicht sein!
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