
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : English TV Channels

30.03.2007, 16:07
i moved to Germany, Berlin, five years ago and I honestly miss English television. My German is 'okay', I would say, thus I have read several threads and it gets very clear that you also like to watch English television, especially because of its original sound (no dubbing).
You have constantly been talking about how to get US channels legally but why have you never considered to record UK channels? Probably you have but the search engine could not help me out with that ;).
Anyway, as far as I know, it is legal to watch at least the five free channels (i.e. BBC1,2, ITV, C4,5), even in Germany via satellite. I know someone who is able to receive them, unfortunately I cannot get myself an Astra or something like that. Of course, it is not appropriate to try and get some Sky programmes but I think these five ones mentioned above should not be a problem to release, should they? :)
I am looking forward to reading your answers and I hope that you will be patient with me if I have not noticed an imporant fact about this which makes the whole thing illegal.
Thank you in advance,
yours Alex :p

31.03.2007, 17:13
thank you very much for helping me. This link is quite interesting. Unfortunately it had only been mentioned but nobody had gone further :( . That is why I am here and would like to ask an administrator or someone else who knows about that very well. As I have already said, I am very sure that it is legal to record and watch BBC and ITV channels via satellite but I could have also got that wrong ;) .
Yours, Alex :p

07.04.2007, 17:38
look here



12.04.2007, 18:06
OTR is only recording German stations, if you wanted know that. I hope I could help you.

12.04.2007, 18:57
Hi, Alexander,
maybe you'd be interested in the admin's answers to my question in our US_OTR thread? Check here: (posts 41ff). I had asked there about BBC&co.


13.04.2007, 10:28
if you know of legal streams with English telly (recent series and films, not BBC-World News), please do let us know the links here. I have been looking for serious offers on the net for quite a while now, and all I could find was some crap that didn't really work, either. Cheers!

13.04.2007, 10:45
I`ve used the streaming clients since the first chinese versions came out, but nowadays its nearly as easy as watching TV on a tv-set.

Use a streaming client like sopcast and you get quite a lot of channels. I use it mainly for sport events, but also sometimes for tv series or movies. Only Problem is to get the schedule/timetable of the channels so you know when you have to start watching. :)

13.04.2007, 15:58
Since I`m downloading atm i can only tell you some channel names like BBC 1 , StarSports, Fox, CBC, CTV, NBC. You can see the list at
there are other streaming clients like pplive, tvants and more who may or my not add the channel you like most to their streaming list. I`ve never been disapointed when it comes to sports so I really like it. :D

13.04.2007, 16:27
Well, you got me. I will download it and check it through very carefully. Besides, I will report on that this evening for all those who might be interested in that too. I cannot believe, it broadcasts BBC(One/Two, not World) via the internet.
Alex ;)

13.04.2007, 16:58
That's actually great news!
I was looking for English TV-programms too - mostly to polish up my little bit of English - and couldn't find anything except for illegal offers!
I guess, I'll give it a try, later!

13.04.2007, 18:26
Sorry to hear that, managed to watch chinese TV quite well even though my chinese knowledge is more then limited. Some Channel seem to work much better then others (both marked with 4 or 5 squares), maybe I`ll investigate for example why BBC 1 and BBC one are listed once my dl is finished.

25.06.2007, 03:15