Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : End of program cut off - The_Outer_Limits_Dei_Unbekante_Dimension

09.05.2009, 01:41
I hope this is the right place to ask. The last two times I programmed and downloaded The_Outer_Limits_Dei_Unbekante_Dimension on Kabel 1 the end of the program was cut off. My future downloads show the time as 4:04 to 4:45 as the program time. Is there any way to make sure the get the whole show. Especially since this series tends to have surprise endings. :)

09.05.2009, 02:06

the best way would be to program the next show too. So you can download and decode both and see the whole serie. Perhaps you can use the GIA-Wishlist as well.

Best regards