Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Sehenswerte Serien/-starts und Filme auf den US/UK-Sendern - Auflistung
07.12.2009, 08:49
Hallo zusammen,
ich findes es momentan recht mühsam einen Überblick zu bekommen, was so auf den US-Sendern läuft, daher fände ich es gut, wenn ein paar Leute sagen könnten, was sie so gefunden haben, ich fange gleich mal an:
Desperate Housewives (Sonntags auf USWABC) Aktuell kann man von Staffel 6 Episode 9 und 10 runterladen.
The Incredibles (am 5.12.2009 USWNBC)
07.12.2009, 09:42
Moinsen :)
leider reichts das EPG noch nicht weit genug voraus, in dieser Woche
Montag auf WCBS CSI Miami um 22:00
Mittwoch auf WCBS CSI NY um 22:00
Donnerstag auf WCBS CSI: Crime Scene Investigation um 21:00
da werd ich doch mal die nächste Woche ein Auge drauf haben ob weitere Folgen zu den selben Zeiten kommen :)
07.12.2009, 10:58
also laut Posting in Hinweise & Bekanntmachungen, gibt es im Allgemeinen folgendes:
24,30 Rock, America´s Funniest Home Videos, American Idol, Bones, Boston Legal,
Cops, CSI, Desperate Housewives, Emergency Room, Everybody Loves Raymond,
Family Feud, Family Guy, Frasier,Friends,Fringe, Ghost Whisperer , Grey´s Anatomy,
Heroes, House M.D., Jerry Springer ;), King of Queens, Late Show with David Letterman,
Law & Order, Legend of the Seeker, Lost, Malcolm in the Middle, Medium,
My Name Is Earl, Navy CIS, NFL Football, NUMB3RS ,Oprah Winfrey,
Prison Break, Private Practice, Saturday Night Live, Scrubs, Seinfeld, Smallville, South Park, Star Search, Star Trek: TNG, Super Bowl, Survivor, The Jay Leno Show, The Simpsons, The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, The X-Files , Two and a Half Men, US Open, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,
07.12.2009, 13:04
@Murphy: Danke ;)
Und zur Ergänzung:
Sonntags auf USWABC: Lost (Staffel 5) Aktuell kann mal die Folgen 6,8,9 und 10 runterladen (Achtung: wohl teilweise Tonprobleme)
10.12.2009, 14:09
Smallville Season 9 läuft auf USWPIX. Am 11.12 kommt Episode 3 und 4, für die ersten beiden kommt der Sender leider zu spät ;(
The Big Bang Theory USWCBS montags ca. 21:30
FlashForward USWABC donnerstags 20:00
Sesame Street USNJN täglich 09:00
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest USWABC 09.12.25 20:00
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World s End USWABC 09.12.28 20:00
Star Trek: Generations USWPIX 09.12.27 15:00
Und ich persönlich finde noch sehr spannend (ist aber sicherlich Geschmackssache):
The Martha Stewart Show USWNBC täglich 11:00
Filme, die ich mir runtergeladen habe (Weihnachtsspecials für Kinder):
Dr__Seuss_How_the_Grinch_Stole_Christmas_09.11.30_ 20-00_uswabc_30_TVOON_DE
12.01.2010, 19:42
24(Twenty Four) Season 8 auf FOX (USA) ab dem 17.Januar 2010. Einschalten bzw. runterladen und dekodieren lohnt sich auf jedenfall!
24(Twenty Four) Season 8 auf FOX (USA) ab dem 17.Januar 2010. Einschalten bzw. runterladen und dekodieren lohnt sich auf jedenfall!
welcher (OTR) Sender ist FOX? Oder ist der gar nicht dabei?
(EDIT: hat sich erledigt, ich habs dann gefunden: USWNYW)
13.01.2010, 11:42
welcher (OTR) Sender ist FOX? Oder ist der gar nicht dabei?
Senderliste USA
Momentan drin:
Die „Big Four“ ABC,CBS,NBC,NYW(Fox)
Fox Broadcasting Company (News Corporation)
Sendungen u.a.: The Simpsons, Seinfeld, The X-Files , House M.D., 24, Prison Break, Bones, Fringe, Cops, American Idol, NFL Football, Super Bow
16.01.2010, 15:43
24(Twenty Four) Season 8 auf FOX (USA) ab dem 17.Januar 2010. Einschalten bzw. runterladen und dekodieren lohnt sich auf jedenfall!
Werde ich auf jedenfall machen...;)
27.11.2010, 15:51
Hi guys,
great that this thread is open again!
I'd like to add the following recent great HQ (mainly) movies that can be downloaded via OTR:
The_Englishman_Who_Went_up_a_Hill_but_Came_down_a_ Mountain_10.11.04_13-05_ukchannel4_110_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi with Hugh Grant
What great HQ movies in English can you recommend?
Grips ;)
29.12.2010, 13:05
The_Chronicles_of_Narnia__The_Lion_the_Witch_and_t he_Wardrobe_10.12.23_15-50_ukbbc_130_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
12.01.2011, 19:48
es kommt am 15.01.11 die Wiederholung 4x10 Chuck vs. The Leftovers
und am 17.01.11 geht es mit den neuen Folgen weiter 4x11 Chuck vs. the Balcony
Auf BBC ist eine neue Staffel von Silent Witness angelaufen ( CSI in gewohnter und unnachahmlicher UK/BBC Qualität)
wie immer jede Folge als Zweitteiler Folge 1 am Montag/Folge 2 am Dienstag
am 3.1.2011 fings an
ebenso neu mit Matt LeBlanc (Joey von FRIENDS) ALS Matt LeBlanc in einer neuen Comedy
New series. 1/7. Comedy about the creators of a hit British TV show who move to LA for a US remake, with disastrous results. Matt LeBlanc is the new lead actor. Contains some strong language. [AD,S]
seit Montag 10.1.11
und nochmal BBC und zwar BBC2
Saturday 22nd January on BBC2 from 9:45pm to 10:40pm
The Tudors
Series 4, Episode 1
16.01.2011, 22:38
Soeben entdeckt:
The_Robe_11.01.12_16-40_ukfilm4_155_TVOON_DE.mpg.avi.otrkey (Wiederholung am 18.1)
UK again- at the best :-)
ITV one since last Thursday
Kidnap and Ransom
Kidnap and Ransom, Episode 1
First in a gripping three-part drama.
Part 2 20.1.2011 / Part 3 27.1.2011
Today on ITV3 from 9:00pm to 10:00pm
Series 3, Episode 2: A Question of Blood
The Sculptress
Today on ITV3 from 10:00pm to 12:00am
Episode 1
06.02.2011, 13:52
WALL-E_11.01.01_15-00_ukbbc_90_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi (Oscar winner)
The_Chronicles_of_Narnia__Prince_Caspian_11.01.16_ 20-00_ukbbc3_135_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
The_Hunt_for_Red_October_11.01.09_21-00_ukfilm4_160_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi (ebf. Oscar Gewinner)
The_Englishman_Who_Went_up_a_Hill_but_Came_down_a_ Mountain_10.11.04_13-05_ukchannel4_110_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
WALL-E_11.01.01_15-00_ukbbc_90_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi (Oscar winner)
The_Chronicles_of_Narnia__Prince_Caspian_11.01.16_ 20-00_ukbbc3_135_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
The_Hunt_for_Red_October_11.01.09_21-00_ukfilm4_160_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi (ebf. Oscar Gewinner)
The_Englishman_Who_Went_up_a_Hill_but_Came_down_a_ Mountain_10.11.04_13-05_ukchannel4_110_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
macht das ernsthaft Sinn Filme hier zu verlinken die im November/Dezember gelaufen sind ?
die nicht mal mehr auf den Mirrors zu bekommen sind?
06.02.2011, 17:08
macht das ernsthaft Sinn Filme hier zu verlinken die im November/Dezember gelaufen sind ?
die nicht mal mehr auf den Mirrors zu bekommen sind?
alle dieser filme sind noch auf mindestens einem mirror verfügbar.
(7) WALL-E_11.01.01_15-00_ukbbc_90_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi ( (Oscar winner)
(2) Chicken_Run_10.12.28_15-10_ukbbc_80_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi (
(3) The_Chronicles_of_Narnia__Prince_Caspian_11.01.16_ 20-00_ukbbc3_135_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi ( 1.01.16_20-00_ukbbc3_135_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi)
(2) The_Matrix_10.12.13_21-00_ukitv2_165_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi (
(1)Children_of_Men_10.12.08_21-00_ukitv4_135_TVOON_DE.mpg.avi (
(5) The_Hunt_for_Red_October_11.01.09_21-00_ukfilm4_160_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi ( (ebf. Oscar Gewinner)
(1) Love_Actually_10.12.26_22-15_ukitv_170_TVOON_DE.mpg.avi (
(2) The_Englishman_Who_Went_up_a_Hill_but_Came_down_a_ Mountain_10.11.04_13-05_ukchannel4_110_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi ( _down_a_Mountain_10.11.04_13-05_ukchannel4_110_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi)
coming up on BBC1 new 5 Part Drama
Justice Monday 4th Apil 2:15 MEZ ( 1:15 GMT)
16.04.2011, 20:34
Star_Wars_Episode_II__Attack_of_the_Clones_11.01.1 5_15-30_ukitv_155_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
Star_Wars_Episode_III__Revenge_of_the_Sith_11.01.2 2_15-30_ukitv_155_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
Star_Wars_Episode_V__the_Empire_Strikes_Back_11.02 .12_15-35_ukitv_140_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
Star_Wars_Episode_VI__Return_of_the_Jedi_11.02.26_ 15-30_ukitv_150_TVOON_DE.mpg.HQ.avi
Bridget Jones the Edge of Reason 11.02.13 22-30 ukitv2 135
Master and Commander the Far Side of the World 11.04.12 18-25 ukfilm4 155
May the force be with you,
Gripsholm ;)
30.05.2011, 09:10
Smallville, Season 10 (Final Season) - E4 - 7th June at 9pm :D
Operation Petticoat
Am 15. Juli um 11:00 Uhr auf Film4, ein Klassiker aus dem Jahr 1959 mit Cary Grant und Tony Curtis.
Diese englische Fassung ist fast 12 min. länger als die deutsche!
Series II start Sunday 18th September on ITV1 from 9:00pm to 10:30pm
KULT !!! QI with Stephen Fry - Start of the new series -10th Season Friday, September 09, 2011
every Friday at 10 pm
you need more QI ??
then every Saturday the XL-Version
@regfil: dickes Danke für den Hinweis zu Damages!
da nicht fuer - you are welcome ;-)
Die Sommerpause ist nun auch in den Staaten zu Ende und auf den Networks gehen die neuen Staffeln los.
Hier eine Übersicht
(Da sind auch Nicht-OTR-Sender dabei)
some MUST SEE :
J.J. Abrams mixt The Dark Knight mit Law & Order
WCBS Thursday 22.September 9:00 pm
Person of Interest: Pilot
also on WCBS Sunday 25.September 9:00 pm Season Premiere
The Good Wife
WCBS Friday 23.September
20:00 pm
A Gifted Man: Pilot
Drama Medical Paranormal Series
Blue Bloods Season 2
23.09.2011, Freitag USWCBS 22:00
27.10.2011, 20:10
CHUCK Season 5
5.01 Chuck vs. the Zoom
28.10.2011 - 8/7c
Death in Paradise
Season 1 Episode 1 of 8 BBC1 London 9:00pm-10:00pm Tue 25 Oct
The Jury
Season 2 Episode 1 of 5 ITV1 9:00pm-10:00pm Mon 7 Nov
Julie Walters, Emma Watts ............
First Season of The Jury with Derek Jakobi startet as Re-Run ITV3 10:00pm-11:05pm Mon 17 Oct
BBC2 London 11:50pm-12:35am (45 minutes) Thu 17 Nov
Pan Am
Season 1 Episode 1 of 22
Pilot Drama following the fortunes of four air stewardesses
Without You
Thursday 8th December on ITV1 from 9:00pm to 10:00pm
Episode 1
New three-part thriller based on a novel by Nicci French
24.12.2011 -Christmas Eve on ITV 1 London **************************************** TV1 London 1:45pm-3:35pm Christmas Eve THE POLAR EXPRESS ( 2004) animated Movie with Tom Hanks (Voice) ,Leslie Zemeckis... > ------------------ ITV1 London 3:35pm-5:45pm Christmas Eve ET - The Extra Terrestrial (1982) Sci-Fi with Drew Barrymore, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote > ---------------- ITV1 London 12:15am-2:10am Christmas Day CONNIE AND CARLA (2004) starring Toni Colette & David Duchovny > ---------------------- 25.12.2015 Christmas Day on ITV 1 ******************************** ITV1 London 7:45am-9:25am Christmas Day THE BORROWERS (1997) with John Goodman, Hugh Laurie, Celia Imrie > ------------------------ ITV1 London 3:10pm-5:10pm Christmas Day HAPPY FEET (2006) with the voices of Hugh Jackman,Elijah Wood, Robin williams,Nicole Kidman > ------------------- ITV1 London 9:00pm-11:05pm Christmas Day X-Mas-Special from the Award-winning Costume-Series DOWNTON ABBEY starring Maggie Smith & Hugh Bonneville and special Guests as Nigels Havers, Sharon Small (Insp.Linley Mysteries) > ---------------- one more Christmas Special ( Re-run from Boxing Day 2010) TV1 London 11:20pm-12:35am Christmas Day BENIDORM X-Mas & and a bunch of very special english peoples with plenty of sun and Sangria will hit your stomache :-) >
05.02.2012, 13:52
Ich möchte mal auf Cricklewood Gates heute abend um 21:00 Uhr Ortszeit (also 22:00 Uhr MEZ) auf BBC4 hinweisen. Dabei handelt's sich um eine sog. Mockumentary über ein fiktives britisches Filmstudio und die angeblich von diesem produzierten Filme. U. a. Terry Gilliam kommt wiederholt als angeblicher Hausregisseur des Studios zu Wort, auch mit Ausschnitten aus fiktiven Spielfilmen, die von ihm sein sollen. Infos s.:
(P. S.: Nach einem Blick auf das Photo auf der BBC-Seite ist mir erstmal der Gedanke gekommen, daß ich garnicht gewußt hab', daß Dieter Moor in England offenbar das Pseudonym Peter Capaldi nutzt! :P)
neulich im US-Fernsehen
Neulich = wann? Und auf welchem US-Sender kam/kommt das denn? In meiner Wishlist finde ich nur die deutschen Versionen vom 19.02. und die Wiederholung vom 20.02.2012 sowie eine alte Ausstrahlung von 2011.
neulich bei BBC :D
Dirk Gently
Season 1 Episode 1 of 3
BBC4 9:00pm-10:00pm (1 hour ) Mon 5 Mar
BBC 1 Tue 15.5. 2012 9:00 pm
Season 2 Episode 1 of 6
True Love
Season 1 Episode 1 of 5
starring David Tennant ( Dr.Who) and many,many more :-)
dearly beloved Trekkies ...proudly present :grin:
ukcbsaction : Star Trek: Voyager is coming to CBS Action starting July 2nd
Twin Peaks, UK HORROR, ab 2.7.2012 (liegt zwar in der Vergangenheit, aber noch liegen die vergangenen Folgen auf dem Datenkeller Mirror). Immer montags 21-23 Uhr.
15.08.2012, 19:24
Danke für die Tipps
Sunday 19.8. 2012 9:00pm and Monday 20.8.2012 on BBC1
Silent Witness
Season 15 Episode 11 of 12 0+&ch=70&go=go
the last two episodes of series 15 - which where postponed in april 2012
are now due on sunday and today
falls jemand den Einstieg zu
J.J.Abrams PERSON OF INTEREST im letzten Herbst auf CBS versäumt hatte
UK-Channel 5 hat am 14.8. mit dem Pilot gestartet-
heute kommt dann bereits part 2
für die Law and Order Fans
wer es übersehen hat aufzunehmen oder gar noch nicht kennt
Law and Order UK
läuft im Re-Run ab Staffel 1 seit Montag den 3.9.2012 auf ITV3
und wie bei fast allen Krimis - die britischen sind die besseren-auch bei L&A :-)
UKITV 25 September 8-10pm (UK time)
X-Mas in UK ! :-)
The hilarious Mrs Brown is back with Season 3
Episode 1 starting on Christmas Eve, Ep.2 on Boxing Day
A quick Overview on more Christmas Goodies in UK
Midsomer Murders: Two brand new episodes
2nd January 2013 Death & the Divas
9th January 2013 The Sicilian Defence
ITV1, 8pm (UK time)
NEW EPISODE 16th January 2013 Schooled in Murder
ITV1, 8pm (UK time)
Schooled in Murder might be the very last and final Midsomer Murders, no new series has been commissioned so far. (After the desaster of Jones' 50th Stars-thingy possibly a good decision, if only too late; I would have wished a more worthy anniversary for him).
Lewis -- Final season
Lewis is back for a final series on ITV1. This time, they have changed the layout, however, from 120mins to 2x60mins in two weeks. No prob for us here on OTR, let's have the cutlists ready to glue the episodes together.
ITV1 Mondays from 7 January at 9.00pm (UK time).
Starts today on BBC1 14.10.
Father Brown ( the british Version:D)
Season 1 Episod 1 of 10
starring Mark Williams ( the cuddly Father of Ron Weasley in Harry Potter )
21.01.2013, 18:06
Top Gear
Season 19
27.1. 2013 BBC1 London 9:00pm
nuff said .......... ;-)
Buy the man a bicycle already :-D *ducks and runs*
after 10 episodes Father Brown has cleared all his cases and has moved on....................
BBC1 at 14:15 the start of a new season of
Moving On
Season 4 Episode 1 of 5
BBC 2 Saturday 2013.02.02 23:15
The Good Sheperd
starring Matt Demon, Robert De Niro ,
also on BBC2 a new series starts on Monday 2012.02.04
Dancing On The Edge
John Goodman an a big parade of splendid actors
see clip and more
if you missed it on ITV in June 2011
re-run on ITV3 starts yesterday with
Five Part TV Drama with the best of british stars
James Purefoy
Robert Whitelock
Lisa Diveney
Dervla Kirwan
Nathaniel Parker
Charlie Creed-Miles
Obi Abili
Pick of the day
Channel 4 Wed 30 Jan, 10PM
after the Pilot in april starts today Season 1 of
also today
ITV London 8:00pm Wed 30 Jan
Midsomer Murders
Season 15 Episode 6 of 6
wich was postponed the last time for football
And, sadly, tonight's Midsomer is Jason's last episode as regular DS Jones. :(
And, sadly, tonight's Midsomer is Jason's last episode as regular DS Jones. :(
ooohh - not good news :-(
I saw the episode yesterday live on ITV- a very good one ( maggots with a message :p )
New Series on BBC1 Monday 4.2.2013 22:35
Being Elieen
with the brilliant Sue Johnston ( Brassed Off, Royle Family, Waking the Dead)
enjoy ! :-)
and now : something complety different :p
do you know Eddie Izzard ?
a very household name -not only in Britain; famous Crossdresser, Comedian, Actor
on Wednsday February 20. 2013 on BBC1 9:00 pm starts a new documenatry
Meet the Izzards
by looking out for more information about Douglas Henshall
I found The Secret of Crickley Hall
which was aired Nov/Dez 2012 on BBC1 and must have slipped my attention
all 3 Episodes are still available on a mirror
to *Shetland* another BBC Link with an update
( UK Sides are very slow since yesterday , it takes a long ,long time ! )
Golden Boy
new series - Pilot aired
BBC 1 Sunday , March 3 2013
start of a new 5 part thriller
starring Sophie Okonedo, Peter Firth
ITV1 Friday March 1st 10:15 pm
Russel Crowe, Derek Jacobi, Oliver Reed
ITV1 Saturday March 2nd 10:30 pm
Leonardo di Caprio and also Russel Crowe
and a new 5 part series has already startet on Wednsday February 27th
ITV 1 9:00 pm
Part 1 of 5
a follow-up to MARCHLANDS
yesterday startet the 3rd Season of Scott & Bailey
ITV 1 9:00PM
coming soon to ITV
starring Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Ian McKellen
coming soon to ITV
starring Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Ian McKellen
go to get ready :
ITV 1 Monday April 29. 2013 9:00 PM
It's time for a new (sadly the final) series of Poirot!
Although I don't know if I will be able to get myself to watch Curtain, I am already very much looking forward to the other episodes. The first one has been scheduled by ITV:
9 June, 8pm ITV:
The other big ITV series with a Christie sleuth gets a new series as well: Agatha Christie's Marple
The quality of this series as a Christie one is debatable, but the acting is usually quite good, and the first new episode even has a real star: Anthony Sher as Rafiel (in the footsteps of Donal Pleasance, of course).
Sunday, 8-10 UK time, ITV
Law & Order: UK
Season 7 Episode 1 of 6
Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:00 ITV1
The Fields of Bloods returns with series 2
BBC1 Episode 1
Thursday 8 August 2013, 9pm
starring David Morrissey,David Hayman and many more
Sunday 25.August was the start of the 3rd Serie VERA
ITV 1 at 8 pm
coming soon - the 4th series of WHITECHAPEL
scheduled to premiere on September 4, 2013 on ITV1
another Season Start on BBC2
BBC2 tonight at 10:00
Cult-Serie QI with Stephen Fry starts with Kapital K
Season 11 Episode 1 of 18 Knees and Knockers
not enough QI ?
the extended version QI XL followes Sunday Spt 8 2013 also 10:00pm
more serious its gets on the eve of Sept 11th on BBC2
Wednsday at 9:00
The Wipers Times
starring Michael Palin and Emilia Fox in the Belgian Town of Ypres in 1916
Season 1 Episode 1 of 13
BBC1 Saturday Sept. 28 2013 8:25 pm
02.10.2013, 23:42
Am Samstag (5.10. um 10pm) ist die UK-Premiere von Friends with Benefits auf Channel4.
like to grin from the right to the left ear ???
than good news !
Hebburn is back with the 2nd series
UKBBC2 Di, 12.11.2013 22:00 Series 2 , 1 of 6
Weihnachten- die Kassen süßer nie klingeln
findet sich die Story von BBC-Journalist Adam Littler
am Freitag 29.11.2013 um 00:20 auf BBC2
der Beitrag läuft im Magazin PANORAMA und unter diesem Titel findet sich
die Sendung im EPG unter Freitag
A touch of Australia on OTR
since Monday, November 25, 2013 BBC1 2.15 pm (14:15)
The Doctor Blake Mysteries
Season 1 Episode 1 of 10
ITV1 Wednsday 11.Dezember 9:00 pm
Season 1 Episode 1 of 2
Starring Rory Kinnear(James Bond-Quantum of Solace & Skyfall, Messiah)
with Christopher Eccleston(Dr.Who),
Michael Gambon(Dumbeldore-Harry Potter,
Gemma Jones (Sense and Sensibility, Bridget Jones, Harry Potter & ,&,&,&,)
not so pleased with the drama ist the victim's son:
19.12.2013, 01:14
Außerdem laufen neben Wiederholungen diverser Klassiker und Blockbuster auf der Insel auch endlich die letzten beiden Teile der Harry-Potter-Reihe im Free TV.
Teil 1: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Thursday 26th December at 7:15pm on ITV
Und für die Freunde von Animationen die Premiere von Megamind: Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:10 BBC One
Sowie für Scifi-Fans die Premiere von I Am Number Four: Sat 28 Dec 2013 21:00 BBC Two
Und für die Piraten- und/oder Johnny-Depp-Fans Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:00 BBC One
MONDAY 6.1.2014 BBC1 21:00
THE 7.39
Romantic Drama , Episode 1 of 2
starring David Morrisey
also tomorrow start of the 2nd Series of
The Bletchley Circle
on ITV1 21:00
and tonight on ITV 1 at 10:15
the comback of the original Essex Girls
Season1 1 of 6
with the great Pauline Quirke
05.01.2014, 21:19
Gibt es für die US/UK Sender ein vergleichbares Onlineangebot,wie fernsehserien für den deutschsprachigen Raum?
Gibt es für die US/UK Sender ein vergleichbares Onlineangebot,wie fernsehserien für den deutschsprachigen Raum?
coming up on BBC1 Wednsday 14.1.2014 21:00
the third Season of
Death in Paradise
and there will be an new arrival, a new DI played by Kris Marshall *
* remember Love Actually, the sligltly brainless bloke who went to America to impress girls with his posh english accent ? ( and what really improved)
yeah -thats him ;-)
Midsomer Murders continues tommorow night at 8:00 pm at ITV1
Season 16 Ep.2 of 5
Let us prey
ITV3 startet on the 6th of January 2014 a rare and hopefully complete rerun of
starring Ken Stott ( Rebus, Messiah ,THE HOBBIT )
Caroline Catz (Doc. Martin, DCI Banks )
Marc Warren ( Dr.Who, Hustle, Messiah ,State of Play)
29.01.2014, 09:37
CBS zeigt am 9. Februar von 20-22 Uhr Ostküstenzeit die Wiedervereinigung von Paul McCartney und Ringo Starr auf der Bühne mit Performances der beiden, Titel: The Night that changed America, anläßlich des 50. Jahrestages der British Invasion durch den Auftritt der Beatles in der Ed Sullivan Show.
War selber erst etwas verwirrt, zuerst hieß es immer, das fände schon während der Grammy Awards statt, die für diesen Montag, den 27. Januar angesagt waren, eure Aufnahme davon ist aber exakt 24 Stunden früher katalogisiert, nämlich abends am Sonntag, den 26. Januar. In der Aufnahme sitzen Paul und Ringo zwar im Publikum und werden wiederholt angesprochen, kommen aber offenbar nicht auf die Bühne, und in einer Werbepause sehe ich nun den Trailer für die Ausstrahlung am 9. Februar.
31.01.2014, 09:15
Na toll, erst stimmt euer EPG nicht, und jetzt kriege ich nur die Nachricht, daß die falsche Sendung nicht aufgezeichnet wurde.
ITV3 repeats McKellen and Jacobi's Vicious.
ITV3 repeats McKellen and Jacobi's Vicious.
tja- nur bei OTR funzt es halt nicht mehr - UK Sender sind via OTR nur noch ein Glückspiel
es hat sich wohl nur noch nicht rumgesprochen bis zu OTR ????
I know I am going to get another bashing from regfil, but I think I can take it. ;)
ITV is currently showing the second series of Endeavour, the prequel to Inspector Morse. Unfortunately, I am too late for the first episode (thanks to my GIA I can still get it, I hope you're premium as well). Here's the link:
I know I am going to get another bashing from regfil, but I think I can take it. ;)
ITV is currently showing the second series of Endeavour, the prequel to Inspector Morse. Unfortunately, I am too late for the first episode (thanks to my GIA I can still get it, I hope you're premium as well). Here's the link:
I´m not bothered by the disability of OTR -I take my files elsewhere- in HD, without advertising
some much bandwith as all my gear can carry - 30 days only 13,00 euros
And not only UK - all US Stations incl. HBO ,Netflix, OWN etc, etc. etc
I can choose between watching live or download -
I´m happy so far -even without OTR :D
I seem to be really, really late with my posts. This time, however, I at least manage to be earlier than the first broadcast. (And BBC3 is not a pooling station, so it might be only be an HQ issue if really many of you missed the programming yesterday...)
BBC3 In the Flesh Series 2 of the zombiesque small town series for whose first season the writer was nominated for a BAFTA TV award...
Starts tonight at 10 UK time:
Für alle, die Serien sammeln...
Da stehen all die schönen Sendetermine... ;-)
26.09.2014, 23:05
The Walking Dead: Mi 1.10., My9 (uswwor) von Staffel 1 an
Lewis returns to ITV with a new series 10 October 9pm (UK time):
Sorry, I'm already too late for the first new episode, but still: How To Get Away With Murder is back for season 2:
Sleepy Hollow returns for 3rd season:
iZombie gets a second (starting October 2nd, hence to link to OTR, yet)
May the HQ be with them. ;) :D
And again, the BBC have another go at Bergerac. Let's hope, this time they'll be 'courageous' enough to show the whole lot. The re-run begins October 7 at 1pm.
The links will always be fresh here:
For a start, they leave out S01E02&E04... or broadcast later? Who knows and who understands the BBC. :-|
Da um die Uhrzeit ja gerne mal der Uhu auf der Schüssel sitzt,
:D:(:cool:....dieses Posting werde ich zitieren-wenn wieder einer fragt,ob man schon
gemerkt hätte,dass seit neulich haken würde auf ITV3,ITV4,Channel4,und,und....;)
24.10.2015, 02:44
The Walking Dead Season 5 läuft seit dem 13. Oktober auf USWWOR
Endeavour returns for Series 3: Sunday, 3 January, 8pm (UK) :
Midsomer Murders return for Series 18: Wednesday, 6 January, 8pm (UK) :
Mr Selfridge Staffel 4 ab 8.1.16, 21:00, itv:
Father Brown Staffel 4 ab 4.1.16, 13:45, bbc1:
Sherlock: The Abominable Bride, 1.1.2016 21:00h auf BBC
The X-Files will be rebooted on January 24th:
Episode 2 will air on the 25th:
Happy Valley – Series 2 start date confirmed
Hard-hitting drama Happy Valley is returning to BBC One on Tuesday 9 February at 9.00pm.
Moving On
Monday 14:15
25.02.2016, 17:02
Das hat jetzt was genau mit dem Thema dieses Threads zu tun? IMHO NICHTSKorrekt. Weiteres Offtopic wird kommentarlos entfernt.
Sir Michael Gambon stars in Churchill’s Secret, 28 February at 8pm on ITV
The A Word will screen on BBC1 from 22 March at 9pm
The A Word, new six-part drama for BBC One
BBC Drama starring Christopher Eccleston ( former Dr.Who ) to tackle autism
Line of duty series 3 Next UK Premiere Date: 24 March 2016 at 9:00pm BBC2
currently there is the rerun of series 2
The fifth and, sadly, final season of CBS' Person of Interest will premiere on May 3.
Confirmed: The Durrells, starring Keeley Hawes, starts Sunday 3 April at 8pm on ITV.
Monday, March 28, ITV 1: S01E01 (of 2 :thinking:) Rowan Atkinson as Maigret
S01E02 probably in December.
Undercover BBC Sunday, April 3, 2016 9:00 pm
Undercover is a new six-part thriller written by Peter Moffat for BBC One about 10 min starts the 5th season
9:00pm ITV
Scott & Bailey
Season 5 Episode 1 of 3
hurry !! ;)
exciting news- not only for Cumberbitches :cool:
coming soon : BBC 2 THE HOLLOW CROWN 2nd Series
The second cycle, which is due to air later this spring, forms part of the BBC's 400th anniversary celebrations of Shakespeare's death. It is subtitled The War of the Roses and includes Henry VI parts one, two and three as a single film and Richard III.
Benedict Cumberbatch plays the scheming last Plantagenet, while Sophie Okonedo stars as Margaret of Anjou
The trilogy also features Tom Sturridge as Henry VI, with Dame Judi Dench, Andrew Scott, Keeley Hawes, Hugh Bonneville and Sir Michael Gambon
The BBC's celebrations of the Bard will also include Shakespeare Live! from the RSC on the anniversary weekend of Shakespeare's death, 22 to 24 April. Directed by Gregory Doran and hosted by David Tennant.....
the rerun series 1 of HOLLOW CROWN starts on BBC4 at 23:00 26.4.2016
The Secret starts Friday 29.4. at 9:00
The Secret is the story of a real-life double murder. James Nesbitt plays Colin Howell
there we go
The Hollow Crown
Season 2 Episode 1 of 3
The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses - Henry VI Part I
Saturday, May 7, 2016
BBC2 London
The Hollow Crown
Season 2 Episode 2 of 3
The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses - Henry VI Part II
new Mini Series starts tomorrow on BBC1
Love, Nina
Season 1 Episode 1 of 5
based on Nina Stibbe's letters to her sister.
Helena Bonham Carter, Sam Frears, Faye Marsay
its not my cup of tea, but there is the last Season of Wallander on BBC1 Sunday at 9;00
will be aired the 2 of 3 Episodes from Season 4 - whos maybee missed it , will find the first episode on last sunday
25.05.2016, 20:48
The Musketeers are back for their 3rd and last season:
May 28, 9:30pm on BBC1
Mondays on Channel 4: An Immigrant's Guide To Britain
First episode has already been broadcasted:
14.06.2016, 14:56
Great movie coming up on Film 4 next week -
Ridley Scott's Black Hawk Down
June 22, 9:00pm on UK Film 4
ITV, 28th August, 9pm (UK) 10pm (continent): Victoria
8 part drama about, well, Queen Victoria.
This is one of the two larger takes on historic figures ITV produced for this autumn. The other one being Tutanchamun (for whose 4 parts there is not yet an official premiere date)
From the writers and producers of Utopia, and with some of Utopia's cast, there's a comedy one-off on Channel 4, Thursday 10/11pm.
The Circuit.
Incidentally, Channel 4 also has a one-off drama this week that definitely seems worth watching (if you excuse the pun):
The Watchman, Wednesday, 9/10pm Channel4
The Big Bang Theory returns for its potentially final season this Monday (19 Sept) to CBS:
And Lucifer returns to WNYW for its second season that same day:
For once, I made it before the first episode. Hooray!
Elementary's back on 2 October:
06.10.2016, 17:20
Humans, Season 2, 30th October, 9 pm
Tutankhamun ITV 2016 10 16 miniseries
Max Irons as Howard Carter
Sam Neill as Lord Carnarvon
Amy Wren as Lady Evelyn Carnarvon
Nicolas Beaucaire as Pierre Lacau
Dark Angel
Season 1 Episode 1 of 2
Hier noch was neues
Madam Secretary Staffel 2 in deutscher Sprache ab dem 11.1.2017 auf SF2
frohes Fest an alle
We'll have Endeavour return to ITV on January 8, 8pm (UK time) for series 4 (events of 1967).
The second season of ITV's cold case drama Unforgotten will premiere on
Thursday January 5th at 9pm ITV, it has been announced.[/B]
who´s never seen the first series - look for it on a mirror , it´s a good one :-)
allready available
UKBBC 26.12.2016 (Mon) 21:00 - 22:00 The Witness for the Prosecution 1/2.
The Witness for the Prosecution 1/2. Two-part drama based on Agatha Christies novel. A dashing young chancer is accused of murdering a rich widow for her money. Can his wifes alibi prove his innocence ?
BBC One Tomorrow 21:00
Silent Witness, Series 20, Identity Episode 1 of 2
Taboo ...Miniseries BBC 1 start on 7. 1.2017
The Halcyon ITV1 2.1.2017 21:00
The Halcyon tells the story of a bustling and glamorous five star hotel at the centre of London society
Channel 4 on Wed 4th Jan: No Offence - start of series 2
Death in Paradise BBC 1 4.1.2017 9:00
Start of series 8 Episode 1 of 8
Endeavour - new series starts tonight (Sun) on ITV 1 (8:00 - 10:00)
Die 3. Staffel von Broadchurch startet am 27.2. auf itv.
Vorgestern ist die neue Staffel ( S 7) von Vera auf itv gestartet.
08.05.2017, 08:13
Ein Film, der bereits gestern lief :-(, aber für GIA-Listenabonnenten noch zu haben ist:
KAJAKI: THE TRUE STORY | UKBBC2 | 07.05.2017 (So.) | 22:00 - 23:40
Kajaki: Drama based on a true story. Afghanistan, Kajaki Dam. A company of British soldiers encounter a dried-out river bed and under every step, the possibility of an anti-personnel mine.
The Handmaids's Tale will be on Channel 4 from 27 May, 9pm (UK time).
Einige neue Staffeln von altbekannten Sendungen, die demnächst starten:
Blue Bloods, 29 Sep.
Designated Survivor, 27. Sept.
Madam Secretary, 8. Okt.
NCIS & NCIS New Orleans, 26. Sept.
Und ein Fernsehfilm mit Benedict Cumberbatch auf BBC One: The Child in Time, 24. Sept. 21:00h
01.10.2017, 23:32
Am Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2017, 22.00 Uhr MEZ (21.00 GMT), startet auf BBC One die dritte Staffel der Serie Our Girl (Militär-Drama).
Sendungsseite BBC:
Inspector George Gently - final episode Monday Oct 30 8:30 on BBC One
BBC Two has aired the Great Gatsby yesterday, but it hasn't made HQ. There will be a rerun on the 29th, may the force be with it
Ab 2.1. zeigt der UK-Sender Drama die Detektivserie Bergerac mit John Nettles, damals noch sehr jung. Schauplatz ist die Insel Jersey. Da die Sendetermine vormittags bzw. nachts liegen, gibt es hoffentlich gute Aufnahmen.
Ab 7.1. läuft auf itv 1 die 8. Staffel von Vera.
Ab 4.2. läuft auf itv 1 die 5. Staffel von Endeavour.
01.02.2018, 15:42
Seit 28.1.18 läuft die 2te Season der sehenswerten australischen Serie Cleverman auf BBC TWO...
16.04.2018, 11:43
Wer Interesse an gesellschaftspolitischen Themen im Zusammenhang mit GB hat:
Morgen läuft eine umfangreiche Fernsehdokumentation an über den Mord an dem 18-jährigen Stephen Lawrence durch Neonazis im Londoner Süden 1993. Dieser Fall löste eine landesweite Diskussion über (rassistische) Gewalt und über institutionalisierten Rassismus in der Polizei aus, welche in Teilen bis heute anhält.
Stephen: The Murder That Changed A Nation (3 Teile, Di, Mi, Do)
BBC One: 17.04.18 Di. 21:00 22:00
08.06.2018, 21:28
In der kommenden Woche jährt sich der Großbrand im Grenfell Tower in London, der 70 Todesopfer und Hunderte Verletzte forderte, zum ersten Mal :(.
Die britischen Sender haben dazu verschiedene Dokumentationen aufgelegt:
GRENFELL | UKBBC | 11.06.2018 (Mo.) | 20:30 - 22:00 Filmed across the year following the Grenfell Tower fire this documentary brings together a multitude of voices from those directly affected by the most devastating tower block fire in British history.
GRENFELL: THE FIRST 24 HOURS | UKITV | 12.06.2018 (Di.) | 00:20 - 01:10 Marking the first anniversary of the Grenfell tragedy and piecing together the stories and insights of those affected by this disaster and showing how a community's shock turned to anger. This is the people's story of the first 24 hours.
BEFORE GRENFELL : A HIDDEN HISTORY | UKBBC2 | 13.06.2018 (Mi.) | 21:00 - 22:00 When Grenfell Tower caught fire in June 2017 the disaster revealed a deep division between rich and poor in this part of west London. Now residents of the community around the tower will tell an extraordinary story 150 years in the making of how their borough (West Kensington) became the most unequal place in Britain.
Am 12.09 startet die FX Serie Trust bei BBC2.
Außerdem startet am 15.09 die Serie Killing Eve bei BBC One.
Am Dienstag, den 27.11 beginnt die dreiteilige Daramaserie Mrs.Wilson bei BBC:
Am Samstag, den 01.12 startet die amerikanische Serie The Sinner bei BBC Four.
Am 10.2. um 20 Uhr startet auf itv 1 die 6. Staffel von Endeavour. Und am 12.2. um 21 Uhr auf bbc 1 die 5. Staffel von Shetland.
after the reboot of the forum, our "Sehenswerte Filme ..." thread seems to have perished, so I thought I start a new one, in which we can tell each other about airing dates of new series or episodes we think others might be interested in...
Apart from being a list of suggestions, there is also a rather banal reason behind a thread like this: we do not all have (regualar) access to reliable TV programmes and schedules...
New series of Midsomer Murders commences on March 10 on ITV
@Pegu: The thread "Sehenswerte Filme..." is still available in the off-Topic-forum (I posted there in February). But I am glad to learn that Midsomer Murders will be continued in March. Thanks,
The BBC series MotherFatherSon with Richard Gere will start this Wednesday:
And, the start date hasn't been released yet, but there's a new trailer for Line of Duty, season 5:
@Pegu: [...]
Cheers, maggie! :D
Sorry, sometimes, even an Admin / Mod fails at using the search function properly. I copied my "new thread" into this one which we all have come to know and use.
08.03.2019, 16:56
Midsomer Murders sind wieder unterwegs, wie schon von maggie erwähnt, genauer gesagt ab Sonnntag abend ( :)
The Good Fight, season 03, startet am 28.03. auf Channel 4:
Line of Duty Staffel 5 startet am 31.3. auf BBC One, gleichzeitig gibt es auf BBC 4 noch mal eine Wiederholung der alten Staffeln:
Per Zufall habe ich gestern entdeckt, dass die Kanadische Serie "The Listener" (Der Gedankenjäger) seit September 2018 wieder ausgestrahlt wird, Sonntags 18 und 24 Uhr jeweils eine Folge auf USWWOR, keine Wiederholungen. Die Aufnahmen auf den Mirrorseiten sind leider nicht mehr vollständig vorhanden, und nur in AVI.
Ich hoffe mal, dass sie mit den Staffeln nach der 5. wieder vorne anfangen, sonst wäre das nur ein kurzes Gastspiel gewesen...
Hab erst jetzt entdeckt, dass es im Januar-Februar eine neue Staffel von Grantchester gab. Die Folgen sind auf den Mirrors noch verfügbar und jetzt gibt es auch Schnittlisten dafür.
Am 26.04.2019 startet bei BBC die Serie The Looming Tower.
Ab dem 26.04.19 läuft bei BBC2 The Looming Tower.
Am 28.4. beginnt auf CBS The Red Line:
Am 19. Mai kommt ein neuer Midsomer Murders: Series 20, Ep 3 Drawing Dead auf ITV.
Earth: Final Conflict seit dem 09.5.19 auf UKHorror Mo-Fr von 20.00-21.00h oder Samstags von 10.00-15.00h Wdh.
Die Serie lief schon auf deutsch auf Tele5 und auf PRO7MAXX, aber auf Englisch hatte ich sie noch nicht gesehen.
Ab 16.6. strahlt CBS "The Good Fight" im free tv aus, beginnend ab S01E01:
( Serie lief zwar schon im britischen free tv auf Channel 4, allerdings waren die Folgen da leicht gekürzt und teilweise editiert, die Aufnahmequalität war außerdem meistens nicht so richtig prickelnd.
Am 25.08 startet die fünfte Staffel Peaky Blinders bei BBC1.
Die zweite Folge kommt direkt am 26.08 ebenfalls bei BBC1.
Wer die vorherigen Staffeln verpasst hat (und nicht an die alten Aufnahmen kommt :)), die Serie wird von Anfang an ab dem 26.08 auf BBC4 wiederholt.
Am 2. September startet auf ITV "A Confession", eine neue Serie mit Martin Freeman:
POSE (S2) ab 26.10 BBC2
His Dark Materials 03.11 BBC1
Am 1.12. wird auf itv die erste Folge der 21. Staffel von Midsomer Murders gesendet. Meines Wissens wurden die beiden letzten Folgen der 20. Staffel aber noch nicht gesendet. Oder habe ich da etwas verpasst?
Schon am 20.November um 22:00 Uhr startet die neue Staffel Rick and Morty (S4) auf E4.
Der Startermin wurde vorverlegt:
Daher stimmen die EPG Daten in OTR (zur Zeit) noch nicht.
24.11.2019, 12:43
Am 1.12. wird auf itv die erste Folge der 21. Staffel von Midsomer Murders gesendet. Meines Wissens wurden die beiden letzten Folgen der 20. Staffel aber noch nicht gesendet. Oder habe ich da etwas verpasst?
Ich hab bisher auch noch nichts endecken koennen. Laeuft alles etwas chaotisch in letzter Zeit: laut IMDb wurde z.B. die letzte Episode bisher nur in Norwegen, Belgien und Italien gesendet, sogar schon in 2018 (?) aber nicht in UK (??).
Auf einer Fansite ( dagegen ist die Rede davon, dass diese Episode erstmalig im Mai 2018 (!) auf einem US-Streamingsender und am 9. Juni 2018 in UK gezeigt worden sei.
Bei OTR ist leider nichts Passendes auffindbar, auch nicht bei den Mirrors.
Erstaunlicherweise sind beide Episoden aber auf zu sehen - immerhin ;)
I've tried to find out what happened to Midsomer Murders on ITV - and I was able to get some light into the darkness....
At least those of you actually living in the UK have known about BritBox for a while now. The BBC and ITV have co-founded their own streaming platform, and channel 4 have joined them very recently. BritBox UK only started "broadcasting" this month. There are BritBox US and something like BritBox CAN serving north America (both are slightly older than the UK one).
As an incentive and a really nice offer to their new subscribers, BritBox have secured the UK rights of Midsomer Murders as a streaming-only premiere thing, saying that the final two episodes of the series 20 as well as most (all?) of the episodes of the forthcoming series will only be broadcast on ITV One much later (possibly December for the former, later in 2020 for the latter). So, the December date you got for the premiere of series 21 might refer to BritBox rather than "ITV One proper". I wouldn't bet on it being free-to-air. (But I'm not an insider, so let's hope for the best and wait for the December schedule for ITV one to actually contain Midsomer Murders)
As ITV co-produces their series with north American and Australian money, it has long been the case that customers of US and Australian pay-TV broadcasters get the episodes long(-ish) before us here in the UK / Europe. Hence the confusing premiere dates. Currently, they're beating their own record of how large a gap between foreign and home premiere can be. The same has been seen with Endeavour, e.g...
Let's wait and see when we can record and actually watch the final episodes of 20 - and then the whole of 21. Fingers crossed, tea brewed.
25.11.2019, 14:15
thanks a lot for explaining - I already suspected something like this. So we just can hope and pray ;)
Many thanks, Pegu, for bringing light in my darkness!
Am 01.01.2020 ist die Premiere der neuen Dracula Serie von den Machern von Sherlock, Gatiss & Moffat auf BBC One.
30.12.2019, 14:50
Thu, Jan 2, 2020, 21.00-22.00
"The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is one of the largest police forces in the world, but when the elected Sheriff dies, an arcane rule in the county charter, forged back in the Wild West, suddenly thrusts the most unlikely man into the job." (source: Fox)
9-1-1 spin-off "Lone Star" set in Austin, Texas
Sun, Jan. 19, 2020
(not in EPG yet)
" "9-1-1: Lone Star" follows a sophisticated New York cop who, along with his son, relocates to Austin and must try to balance the duties of saving those who are at their most vulnerable and solving the problems in his own life." (source: Fox)
I'll always give Stephen Dorff a chance, recently he's done a few interesting things (at least the stuff that made it to Rightpondia).
And Rob Lowe was good as an American Chief Constable thrown into a Lincolnshire cop shop ("Wild Bill" on UK ITV).
(Edited: gekürzte Zitate eingefügt.)
Eventually, ITV have decided to give us normal viewers a chance to watch the "most recent" episodes. :D
Til Death Us Do Part: Wed, January 6, 8.30pm on ITV1
Send In the Clowns: Tue, January 14, 8pm on ITV1
Let's enjoy and hope they've decided to give us S 21 in less installments. :D
Seit gestern auf BBC 1: neue Staffel 23 von Silent Witness (immer dienstags und mittwochs)
Midsomer Murders Series 21 now on ITV
Episode 1: The Point of Balance, Tue 21 Jan 8pm - 10pm ITV
@maggie: Ist diese Folge wirklich am 1.12. schonmal gesendet worden?
@Pegu: nein, da hatte ich mich getäuscht. Sie konnte zu diesem Datum über Britbox, den neuen Streaming Dienst von bbc und itv gestreamt werden. Aber leider nur in UK.
Ab 12.1. gibt es die 10. Staffel von Vera, vermutlich 4 neue Episoden. In den letzten Jahren war es so, dass nach der letzten Episode von Vera dann Endeavour gesendet wurde. Let's hope for the best,
Midsomer Murders 21-02 The Minature Murders am 4.2. auf itv 1
Endeavour 7-02 Oracle am 9.2. auf itv 1
Am 16.02.20 um 21 Uhr startet die finale Staffel 8 von Homeland bei Channel 4
Ebenfalls am 16.02.20 startet auf Fox die neue animated Comedy Duncanville.
Am 19.04.2020 startet Killing Eve (S3) bei BBC1.
31.03.2020, 09:10
02.04.20 Man with a Plan - Start Season 4 (CBS)
02.04.20 Broke (neue Comedy mit Pauley Perrette auf CBS)
Ab Morgen 15.04 startet die FX Serie Devs bei BBC2. Am 16.04 läuft dann direkt die zweite Folge.
26.04.2020, 18:51
Rick and Morty (Season 4 Part 2 = 4x06-4x10) - ab Donnerstag 07.05. 22.00 Uhr auf UK E4
Die Harley Quinn Serie startet am 07.05 um 22:30 Uhr bei E4.
06.06.2020, 21:53
What We Do in the Shadows - Season 2
will come to BBC2 on Thursday 11th June at 10:00pm
Strike - Lethal White läuft ab 30.8.2020 auf BBC1, vermutlich um 21.00 Uhr, 4 Folgen sonntags.
ITV has set a September premiere date for ‘Des’, a three-part drama which sees David Tennant portray serial killer Dennis Nilsen.
Des premieres Monday 14 September at 9pm on ITV.
‘Roadkill‘ premieres Sunday, 18th October 2020 at 9pm on BBC One.
Finally CSI: Cyber Season 2 on ukcbsjustice since 5.10.2020 21h mon-fri and sat 21-2h.
I just found out that the old cbs recordings from 2015 are still available as HQ and AVI on mirror-sites, but they are not complete.
07.11.2020, 16:18
His Dark Materials - Season 2
premieres Sunday, 8th November 2020 8.10pm on BBC One.
27.11.2020, 19:31
The Serpent is an eight-part limited True Crime Serial Killer Drama presenting Jenna Coleman, Billy Howle and Ellie Bamber in lead roles. It will be aired on BBC1 starting New Year's Day.
Das Remake von All Creatures Great and Small (Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh) startet am 10. 1. bei Masterpiece:
‘It’s A Sin‘ will premiere Friday, 22nd January 2021 at 9pm on Channel 4.
17.01.2021, 16:16
I May Destroy You lief Juni/Juli 2020 auf UKBBC
Alle Folgen sind noch auf den Mirrors verfügbar (einige nur als "avi") - die "HQ"s weisen zwar massiven Tonversatz auf, sind aber reparabel - Cutlists zu allen Folgen sind vorhanden!
08.02.2021, 17:25
Serienstart ab dem 11.02.:
Clarice auf CBS (Sequel-Serie zu "Das Schweigen der Lämmer")
Line of Duty season 6 starts on Sunday 21st:
Fargo Season 4 premieres Sunday, 9th May 2021 at 10pm on Channel 4.
The Pursuit of Love starts tomorrow at 21h on BBC One
Am 30.05.2021 um 17:20 ist die Free-TV Premiere des Animationsfilms Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse bei Channel4
The animated movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse premieres on Sunday, 03.05.2021 at 17:20 on Channel4.
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 premieres Sunday, 20th June 2021 at 9pm on Channel 4.
Rick and Morty Season 5 starts Monday 21.06.2021, 10PM local time on More4.
Professor T - UK version with Ben Miller as T starts 18 July 9pm
Deceit A four-part drama, starring Niamh Algar, based on the true story of a controversial honeytrap at the heart of the 1992 police investigation into the murder of a young mother in London, starts Friday 13.08.2021 9pm on CHANNEL4.
Vigil, from the makers of Line of Duty, with Martin Compston starts on BBC One on August 29:
:oAll good things come to those who wait...our award-winning drama Shetland returns to
on Wednesday 20 October with another unmissable murder-mystery. Must-see TV with
The 3 Season of Ryan Murphys American Crime Story starts on BBC2 soon.
‘Impeachment: American Crime Story‘ premieres Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 9:15pm on BBC Two.
Die 2.Staffel von GUILT hat Donnerstag Premiere auf BBC 2
Wer wie ich Season 1 verbummelt hat aus 2019, alle Folgen in
HQ noch bei (z,B.) Datenkeller greifbar
mehr Info.....
gelöscht-scheinbar ist es nicht erwünscht
Season 5 of The Good Fight starts on more4 on October 28:
Sorry, I'm a day too late, but series 8 of Escape to the Chateau has begun yesterday on channel4...
(I had been under the impression, series 7 was final, so this was a pleasant surprise.)
20.11.2021, 17:38
‘What We Do In The Shadows‘ Season 3
premieres Tuesday, 2nd November 2021 at 10:05pm on BBC Two.
‘Peaky Blinders‘ Season 6 premieres Sunday, 27th February 2022 at 9pm on BBC One.
Killing Eve Season 4 starts Saturday 05.03.2022, 21:15 on BBC One.
‘Inside No. 9‘ Season 7 will premiere Wednesday, 20th April 2022 at 10pm on BBC Two.
Shetland is back for a new series in 2022
Douglas HENSHALL aka Jimmy Perez
leaving the Show with the End of Serie 7 :-(
he tweeted yesterday:August 10th. 9pm. BBC1. Shetland. One last time. #Shetland (
Rick and Morty Season 6 premieres Monday, 5th September 2022 on E4 and All4 at 4am, simulcasting with the USA.
Line of Duty's Adrian Dunbar will be back with a new series "Ridley" on itv, starting on Sunday, 28.08. at 20:00h: (
rumour has it that his character as a retired police detective is at least partially inspired by his role as Ted Hastings :D
Steven Moffat's new four-part mini-series thriller Inside Man starts Monday 26.09.2022 9 PM at BBC1.
both the original UK version and the US re-make of Ghosts are recommencing their 4th and 2nd seasons respectively. Sorry for being late for the first episode of the UK version.
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 premieres Sunday, 23rd October 2022 at 9pm on Channel 4
The BBC has announced its full line-up for this year's festive period, from Christmas through to New Year
over the period will be special editions of Call the Midwife (, Death in Paradise (, Strike (, Mrs Brown's Boys (, Motherland ( and Ghosts (
Meanwhile, Bad Education ( is back with a new Class K, Inside No. 9 ( has produced its second ever Christmas special, and both Happy Valley ( and His Dark Materials ( are returning for their third and final seasons.
09.12.2022, 18:44
‘His Dark Materials (‘ Season 3 will premiere weekly on BBC One from Sunday, 18th December 2022!
Happy Valley's third and final season will start on January 1st:
seit letzter Woche immer freitags auf BBC
Today at 21:00 ITV
Start of MATERNAL 6 Part Series
It tells the story of three doctors returning to post-pandemic frontline medicine after maternity leave
It tells the story of three doctors returning to post-pandemic frontline medicine after maternity leave
Accused starts Sunday, 22.01.2022 on FOX (WNYW)
UNFORGOTTEN SEASON 5 without Nikola Walker returns
Beyond Paradise (BBC) (
The Death in Paradise spin-off with Humphrey Goodman starts Friday 24 Feb at 8pm (UK time)
UNFORGOTTEN SEASON 5 without Nikola Walker returns
Unforgotten Season 5 Episode 1 von 6
ITV1 MONTAG 27.Februar 21:00
Category: Police/Crime Drama
Episode 1 of 6 | Season 5
There's a re-run of the Magpie Murders ( Sorry for reminding us all here a bit too late for the 1st episode, but this time around it's made HQ status. :D
Inside No. 9 Season 8 premieres Thursday, 27th April 2023 at 10pm on BBC Two.
Last Saturday (19.08.2023) the 2020 Live Action Movie Mulan premiered on BBC:
Also, Krapopolis, the new series from Rick & Morty creator Dan Harmon, premieres 24.09.2023 on FOX.
Furthermore Rick & Morty Season 7 premieres Monday, 16th October 2022 at Channel 4.
Animated Series My Adventures with Superman (S1) premieres 20.10.2023 on E4:
Auf bbc1 ist am 1.11. Staffel 8 von Shetland gestartet.
Auf BBC1 geht am 25.11 Doctor Who weiter.
Am 5.1. ist auf bbc1 die 11. Staffel von Father Brown gestartet. Jede Woche eine neue Folge.
sorry I missed the info on the new series of Death in Paradise, but given that we get HDs, most of you seem to have known anyway. Hence, this post might be a bit of a stating the obvious....
March 22, 8pm UK time we get the first episode of the 2nd seris of Beyond Paradise. No OTR-link here as the schedule hasn't been registered, yet, but the series' home is at the BBC:
Inside No. 9 S9 premieres at BBC2 on 08.05.2024
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