Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : So few cutlists?
The majority of users is speaking German, therefore you'll find more cutlists for German movies. Probably, after some time, OTR will have more users from the US, and more users will upload there cutlists for US movies. Perhaps you'd like to start with your cutlist today? ;)
The cutlist community lives from DIY. So if you want lists for your favourite show you should cut it and upload the cutlists to;-)
There're just not so many active cutters for US-series than for the german ones. I don't look US films very often, but if, I always made a cutlist, like for Scrubs S09.
06.02.2010, 19:32
I plan to invent an english version of - maybe this will help to increase the amount of cutlists for US airings... changing to a multi-language-interface will maybe allow more ppl to use the platform or to recognize, there are also cutting tools in english available.
(Please excuse my bad english, I hope ill get some help to translate at least the important parts of ;))
Well, are there any statistics how many native english speakers are using OTR? (Maybe Werner has got something to say?)
Hope it'll increase soon, people, I need cutlists.
Wish I had time to cut them by my self, but i haven't.
Erm, by the way I'm also German.
And i don't need Cut Assistant to check for cutlists, because i've programmed a tool by my own, wich uses the API to check for new cutlists of uncut files regularly.
wieso machst du dann so ein stress??? :-P
wenigstens ist es jetzt für diejenigen, die des deutschen nicht mächtig sind geklärt :D
Der Stress ist, dass ich nachwievor nicht verstehe, warum nahezu kein Ami-Film geschnitten wird.
The problem is still that i can't understand why hardly any us movie is cut.
Well, here you have two screenshot of my system. All the Files which are marked with the scissors (Schere) icon don't have a cutlist so far. (only the green one are uncut so far even there is a cutlist available)
Bye, Stefan ( (
Mir fehlt nur das Verständnis, warum so wenig Nachfrage besteht.
Klar, wenn ich Zeit hab werd ichs selber schneiden (und natürlich die CL uploaden), lieber wärs mir natürlich ich bekomme es auf dem Silbertablett serviert ;)
I still don't understand why there is so less demand.
Indeed i'll cut them as soon as i've got some free time (and of course i'll upload the CLs) but i'd prefere to get the work done by somebody else ;)
May I remind you that the standard language in this thread is English.
If you really must discuss this topic in German, please do so in PNs and post an English summary of the conclusions afterwards, otherwise this will be very confusing and not helpful at all for our English speaking users.
May I remind you that the standard language in this thread is English.
If you really must discuss this topic in German, please do so in PNs and post an English summary of the conclusions afterwards, otherwise this will be very confusing and not helpful at all for our English speaking users.
Yessir, got you a translation.
May I remind you that the standard language in this thread is English.
Says who and where?
I can see both languages in onlineTvRecorder-Forum > Allgemein > OTR-US >
If you want OTR-US only in english you have to communicate this.
Ich finds halt witzlos mich hier auf Englisch mit einem zu unterhalten der offensichtlich deutsch ist;)
1) Virtually all cutlists are from a very small number of users (i'd say - without ever checking it; just gut-feeling - less than 10 persons produce about 80% of the cutlists). Perhaps (again just an assumption) they don't watch English movies?
This can easily be explained with the 90-9-1 rule. :-)
09.02.2010, 13:32
you see - I managed to observe this without year-long in-depth studies :D
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