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23.02.2010, 22:27
Hi there,
the CBS latenight slot (Letterman, Ferguson) from Monday is still not available. Any informations about what's wrong?
Thank's for answers,
No idea, but I'm going to ask the competent Admin.
Here the answer I get:
During the recordings there are no problems. Because the download server problems the recordings come later.
CBS was crashed yesterday, but only between 3 and 8 U.S. time clock. WNYW crashed last night, so about 0 to 5 clock (U.S. time) were down.
Gleiches Problem bei mir - ich bekomme die Sendungen einfach nicht - naja Montag habe von Ferguson aber Dienstag fehlt noch!
Bitte OTR - Ferguson ist der einzig gute im Augenblick in Late Night!
24.02.2010, 15:45
Now everything is online. Thanks again.
Only Letterman from Tuesday still is too small (165MB).
@Shoegal: when there's no show, try the twitter... :D :p ( I know, not a quite good substitute)
Ol' Dave
09.03.2010, 15:54
Hi there,
again the Latenight slot is gone. Files from last night (monday to tuesday) still missing. Craig Ferguson (Late Late Show, CBS, 0:35 am) was the only show available. But Letterman (Late Show, CBS, 23:35 pm), Kimmel (Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC, 0:05 am) and Fallon (Latenight, NBC, 0:35 am) still not online. Were there some troubles between ~11:00 pm and ~0:30 am (eastern time) last night?
Thanks for answers,
09.03.2010, 16:32
Some ABC/CBS/NBC primetime airings are missing too or are only available in MP4 format, so there could be a problem with the encoding or more likely the transfer from encoding servers to download servers. Could take some time, but i think the recordings are okay.
09.03.2010, 16:35
Hi there,
again the Latenight slot is gone. Files from last night (monday to tuesday) still missing. Craig Ferguson (Late Late Show, CBS, 0:35 am) was the only show available. But Letterman (Late Show, CBS, 23:35 pm), Kimmel (Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC, 0:05 am) and Fallon (Latenight, NBC, 0:35 am) still not online. Were there some troubles between ~11:00 pm and ~0:30 am (eastern time) last night?
Thanks for answers,
The recordings are okay. We have some problems with the transfer.
10.03.2010, 13:49
Hi there,
do we still have problems or is it just a matter of time/waiting? The shows from Monday night are dropping in this morning (one after another). The shows from yesterday (Tuesday night) are not available again.
Thanks for your research...
10.03.2010, 13:53
Hi there,
do we still have problems or is it just a matter of time/waiting? ...
Same answer as before:
The recordings are okay. We have some problems with the transfer.
Ferguson fehlt schon wieder - kann leider nur von Ferguson reden da ich nur den anschaue (ich verweigere Leno, Dave mochte ich noch nie wirklich, Kimmel war auch noch nie mein Fall und von Fallon will ich garnicht erst anfangen).
Bitte Bitte die Show von Tuesday reinstellen, ich bin nicht sonderlich erpicht darauf mir auf YouTube die Augen zu ruinieren.
10.03.2010, 16:23
I think we have to be patient. Hope they're solving their problems soon.
Ferguson: now tuesdays (wednesday 12:30AM local, 6:30 CET) show is on. Wednesday (today morning's) show is not yet ready. So at at least I have now a 36 hour instead of 12 hour gap between airing and download... I hope this will get back to normal (just a humble hope not a demand ;-) ).
12.03.2010, 11:09
It seems the problems are solved. Thanks for your work, guys.
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