01.03.2010, 17:11
Aufnahmen auf deutschen Sendern am 28.2. ca. 13:30 - 14:30 Uhr könnten Fehler haben... zumindest gab es zu der Zeit Empfangsprobleme (wohl zu stürmisch?) und recht viele Badfiles (die ich gerade zu reparieren versuche)...
Recordings on German channels on 28.2. approximately 13:30 to 14:30 clock could have errors ... at least there was at the time of reception problems (probably too stormy?) and lots Badfiles (which I try to repair) ...
Recordings on German channels on 28.2. approximately 13:30 to 14:30 clock could have errors ... at least there was at the time of reception problems (probably too stormy?) and lots Badfiles (which I try to repair) ...