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Thema: US channels still down??

  1. #11
    Moderator im Ruhestand
    Registriert seit
    Jul 2006

    AW: US channels still down??

    Zitat Zitat von philh Beitrag anzeigen
    short game

    is it a server problem or is the antenna reception of those channels just too bad?

    I don't know it but I will ask the Admin.

    Here the answer from the Admin:
    The antenna reception of those channels are too bad?

  2. #12

    AW: US channels still down??

    thx for the info Raus,

    hehe it's like with all terrestrial receptions there's always kind of interferences

    perhaps there's snow in NYC too and that chances reception behaviour.

    seems like wpix is on a VHF channel and VHF is harder to receive then UHF with indoor antennas

  3. #13
    Registriert seit
    Feb 2010

    AW: US channels still down??

    My question is, what do u think WHEN is btw, USWPIX ok again???!!!
    Cause its the 2nd week , without VampireDiaries etc.
    Is this an antenna prob too?? or anything else ??!!!
    can u help plz....

  4. #14

    AW: US channels still down??

    @olipoli2: yes Olipoli2 it's a antena problem. signal is too weak

    perhaps the otrteam could use a separate indoor antenna that is especially designed for vhf band.

    I had the same problem here with DVB-T in Germany. I could get all packages from UHF band without any problems, but the package that was in VHF could never be received with my indoor antenna. Those usual indoor antenas are usually very bad in vhf reception due to longer wave-length in vhf band

    But the problem could also be the opposite of a weak signal. If the signal is already strong and you overamplify it, it will make reception impossible too.

    @otrteam: I don't if you use an indoor or an outdoor antena, but perhaps you could try to build an selfmade antenna like suggested here: (and also the variations suggested there) wpix is on channel 11 and that should be ~200 Mhz to calculate proper lengh of the antenna.

  5. #15

    AW: US channels still down??

    scheint wieder zu laufen! echt super Leute!

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