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Thema: Why not HD ?

  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2010

    Why not HD ?

    Yesterday Pirates of the Caribbean (Fluch der Karibik ) was sent on ORF1 in HD.
    Can someone explain to me why this morning this film is only available on OTR in HQ and not in HD ?
    The same question more often crosses my mind when beautiful nature films are only offered in DivX while they were sent in HD.
    On the other side stuff is offered in HD that doesn't need HD at all.
    I guess that choosing the right recording format needs personal attention for which there is not enough time available.
    Is that the correct explanation ?
    KR Frans

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Apr 2007

    AW: Why not HD ?

    The process for choosing the recording formats is fully automatic.

    -ARD HD, ZDF HD, ARTE HD, MDR HD, HR HD und ServusTV HD: HD if recording is in the top 20 most wanted recordings of the day
    - 5 additional hd-recordings of the most wanted top 100 recordings of the day (stations: 3sat HD, ARD HD, ARTE HD, BAY3 HD, EINSFESTIVAL HD, HR HD, KIKA HD, MDR HD, NDR HD, rbb HD, ServusTV (STV) HD, tagesschau24 HD, WDR HD, ZDF HD, ZDF Kultur HD, ZDF NEO HD)

    The number of HD recordings may be increased, and additional channel may be added, but the process for choosing what programs will be recorded in HD will probably stay top X most wanted recordings of the day.

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2010

    AW: Why not HD ?

    Ok. Thanks for the info.

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