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Thema: No HQ for UK movies?

  1. #1

    No HQ for UK movies?

    Hello everyone.

    It seems to me that UK movies are only recorded in low quality, since there are no HQ movies available.
    Is this done on purpose?

    The only HQ material I can find on UK channels if for series, like Doctor Who and Downton Abbey.

    As an example, take The_Matrix_Reloaded_14.12.04_22-00_ukitv4_165_TVOON_DE.mpg.avi.otrkey.
    I would assume that a movie like that would be offered in HQ.

    This seems to be going on for at least two months, probably earlier (I just came back to OTR after a longer pause).

    I would be happy if you could clear this up, and even happier if you could make English movies accessible in HQ, since they are the only reason I come here.


  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2010

    AW: No HQ for UK movies?

    Dies entscheiden die User mit ihren Einzelprogrammierungen, z.B. mit der Programmierung der Sendungen unter dem Menüpunkt TV-Programm.

  3. #3

    AW: No HQ for UK movies?

    Thanks for the answer, but I was wondering why this changed so drastically in the past few months.
    About half a year ago OTR was full of HQ movies from UK and US stations, now there is absolutely nothing.

    I can hardly imagine that suddenly the interest in English movies dropped from pretty good to zero.

    Has there been a policy change that I missed or something?

    Is there anything I can do to change this? One opinion is probably too little, but can we get more people on board to do something about it?


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