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Thema: How about everything in HQ also for English language channels ...

  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    Mar 2014

    How about everything in HQ also for English language channels ...

    ... Now that it seems to be the case the everything on Spanish channels in recorded in HQ?

    While being well aware that quite a few people including myself have asked for this before to no avail, let me take the recent introduction of all HQ recording on Spanish channels as an opportunity to also raise this on the OTR-US forum again.

    Might be something worth considering also for UK/US channels?

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2006
    Planet Erde, auch wenn's unklingonisch ist... ;-)

    AW: How about everything in HQ also for English language channels ...

    Spanish channels are recorded on new equipment. OTR does not have enough resources to change all recording units at once, so there is no chance to offer all recordings in HQ right now. But, perhaps, in the future...

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2006
    Where the wild things are

    AW: How about everything in HQ also for English language channels ...

    Das ist sicherlich eine Frage des Preises. Nur weil das bei den spanischen Sendern möglich gewesen ist, bedeutet dies nicht, dass die Preise in den USA gleich sind .


  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Mar 2014

    AW: How about everything in HQ also for English language channels ...

    OK - understood. But that doesn't sound too bad, does it?

    Appreciate if you'd let me (and all other interested) know how much such an all HQ english channel service would be per month/year.


  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Apr 2009

    AW: How about everything in HQ also for English language channels ...

    Zitat Zitat von byron Beitrag anzeigen
    Might be something worth considering also for UK/US channels?

    Even if demand and resources do not allow Full-HQ for UK/US-Stations at the present time, the adjustment of the poor quality of avi.-Recordings (up to the quality-standard of bbc-recordings) for some of the UK/US-Stations (like ukmovies4men) would be more than welcome...

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